Today there are three types of storage of samples in liquid nitrogen vessels
- In liquid Nitrogen (-196C), where the samples are fully submerged in liquid nitrogen
- In conventional gas phase (-150C) with a bottom of liquid nitrogen in the vessel (racks/platform)
- In “dry” gas phase (170C/-190C) with absolute separation between samples and liquid liquid nitrogen
All inventory systems liquid, gas, “dry” storage can be used for either:
- Standard storage of Ampoule / Vial, Blood bags, MT plates (96well), Sanbio cups
- IVF/AI storage of Straws, Goblets, Visotubes, Canes
Standard inventory
With either liquid or conventional gas phase we can offer our open frames with partitions for easy and quick access to your samples. These frames can be retrofitted to your vessel. We can make these frames in any way, shape or size to fit any type of racking.
With the “dry” gas phase we can offer our closed water tight stainless steel frames with partitions for easy and quick access to your samples. These also can be retrofitted to your existing vessels. We can make these frames in any way, shape or size to fit any type of racking.
In all cases we prefer to work with Aluminium racking as this has a better cold transfer compared to stainless steel. The storage systems normally consist of aluminium boxes because of the better cold transfer (heat transition) in the gas phase; however if desired we can supply the cheaper plastic boxes.